When you’re planning to install solar panels on your Cuero, TX, home, you might not know how many panels you’ll need. There’s no single answer to this question because it depends on how much electricity your household uses and how much power you hope to generate from the panels. Keep these factors in mind when determining how many solar panels to have installed on your home’s roof.

Review Your Household’s Energy Use

Look at the past 12 months of your electricity bills. These will provide a good reference for how much electricity your household typically uses each month of the year. Keep in mind that spending more time at home means you’ll use more electricity. Extreme weather can also impact your home’s electricity use. Add up the total kilowatt-hours of electricity your home used for the year. If you want to attempt to meet much of your home’s full power needs, consider a battery storage system also. This will allow you to store unused power as it’s generated for use when the sun isn’t shining.

Consider Future Plans

If your household will be adding a new member or if someone will be moving out, this could impact electricity consumption. If you’re now working from home you’ll use more electricity. Perhaps you’re planning to add insulation, upgrade to Energy Star®-certified appliances, replace old single-pane windows with double-pane ones and switch to LED lights, which will decrease electricity use.

Your Home’s Characteristics

If you have a large roof with a slope of 30 to 45 degrees and a south-facing orientation, your solar power system will collect close to the maximum amount of power. Solar panels come in different power collection levels. If your roof is limited in space, high-capacity panels will help you collect the right amount of solar power in a small area.

GVEC Solar Services is the trusted provider of solar panel systems in South Central Texas. Our energy solutions specialist will take all the guesswork out of the solar-buying process for you. We’ll custom design a system that’s right for your solar expectations, and we won’t make too-good-to-be-true claims or promises we can’t keep.

We’re also ready to deliver electrical, battery storage, AC/heating and high-speed internet services to you. For more tips on how to choose the size of your solar panel system, contact us at 855.898.8807 today.

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